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The Future Of Computing Is Hybrid: Why Quantum Computers Will Work Alongside Classical Systems

Forbes Technology Council

Alex Keesling, Ph.D. is the CEO of QuEra Computing Inc., the leader in neutral-atom quantum computers.

Quantum computing is poised to revolutionize various sectors, from pharmaceuticals to finance, by solving complex problems that are currently intractable for classical computers. This quantum advantage stems from the principles of superposition and entanglement, allowing quantum bits (qubits) to significantly accelerate certain computations.

However, the narrative that quantum computers will replace classical systems is misleading because it overlooks the nuanced capabilities and limitations of each computing paradigm.

As the CEO of QuEra, a manufacturer of quantum computers, and a key contributor to its underlying technology, I have a front-row seat to both observe this revolution and to participate in it. In this article, I'll argue that the future of computing is not quantum or classical—it's both.

Where Classical Computer Excel

In spite of all the excitement about quantum computing, it's crucial to temper our enthusiasm with a dose of reality. Despite their immense power, quantum computers—whether three, five or ten years from now—will have their limitations.

For instance, classical central processing units (CPUs) are far more efficient in data entry and better suited to organizing and accessing memory. Graphics processing units (GPUs) do a fantastic job of rendering sophisticated graphics and powering through large language models. Both CPUs and GPUs are better suited than quantum processors for these tasks. To put it simply, we won't be running Zoom meetings or drafting documents in Microsoft Word on a quantum computer, nor would you want to.

This brings us to an important point: The most effective use of quantum computers will be in conjunction with classical computers. Classical systems can handle tasks like data preparation, visualization and error correction, while quantum systems can tackle complex calculations.

This collaborative approach maximizes the strengths and mitigates the weaknesses of each type of computing, creating a symbiotic relationship that promises to advance both fields.

A Strategy Rooted In History

The idea of integrating different computing architectures is not new. GPUs have become indispensable in high-performance computing but are most effective when used alongside CPUs. Similarly, quantum processing units (QPUs) will find their optimal utility when integrated with classical systems.

If QPUs are to be closely coupled with CPUs and GPUs, where should these QPUs reside?

On-premises quantum computing offers the advantage of tight control over execution priorities and data security. However, it comes with the challenges of high initial costs and the need for specialized expertise. On the other hand, cloud-based quantum services provide flexibility and lower upfront costs but may raise concerns about data security and latency.

Even today, we see the emergence of hybrid variational quantum algorithms as compelling evidence of the power of an integrated approach. These algorithms are designed to solve complex problems, such as finding the ground state of a molecule or designing networks, by alternating between classical and quantum calculations.

The classical computer typically handles tasks like optimization and data preparation, while the quantum computer performs the computationally expensive calculations that involve quantum states. This division of labor allows each system to do what it does best.

The beauty of this approach is that it allows us to solve problems that are currently infeasible for either classical or quantum computers alone. By leveraging the strengths of both computing modalities, hybrid algorithms offer a glimpse into the future of integrated computing—a future where classical and quantum resources work in tandem to tackle some of the world's most challenging problems.

So, what does this mean for forward-looking executives and CIOs?

• Hybrid Infrastructure: Consider a computing infrastructure that integrates classical and quantum resources rather than isolated "islands" of computing power.

• Algorithmic Approaches: Investigate hybrid algorithms that capitalize on the strengths of both quantum and classical computing. Accept that each processor does certain things better than others, and leverage that "best of all worlds" strategy.

• Management Frameworks: Opt for integrated management systems like SLURM (Simple Linux Utility for Resource Management) for tasks such as resource allocation, scheduling, prioritization and accounting. Sometimes, the tools that were proven effective in classical settings work just as well for hybrid ones.

• Deployment Choices: Evaluate whether on-premises quantum computing or cloud-based services better suit your organization's computational and security needs.

• Vendor Strategies: Different quantum computing vendors offer varying degrees of integration with classical systems. Pay attention to how easily you can integrate their quantum solutions into your existing infrastructure. Does their deployment strategy fit with yours? How well do they support hybrid computational workloads?

The future of computing is not an either-or proposition between classical and quantum systems. Instead, it's a collaborative future where each complements the other's strengths and compensates for its weaknesses.

As we move into this new era, the focus should be on creating a seamless, integrated computing environment that leverages the best of both worlds. The hybrid approach is not only the most practical—it's also the most promising.

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